Super mario 64 beta rom hack

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Its other focus is to research and to document how the Chaotix engine works with a more annotated disassembly, and to tinker around with its advanced Sega 32x engine features. Its main focus is to create harder levels, less empty zones, and to create new content for the powerful Knuckles Chaotix game engine, as well as to implement proper loop chunk and pathswapping sections. It's goal is also meant to reverse engineer and to document the inner workings of the Knuckles' Chaotix game engine for research and technical purposes. It is meant to be an unofficial fan-made sequel to Knuckles' Chaotix for the 25th anniversary of the US release of the game (in May 2020). Knuckles Clackers is a technically advanced Knuckles' Chaotix ROM hack for the Sega Genesis 32x addon.

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